Saturday, April 28, 2012

Consequences of Ignorant Dawah and Role of Laymen in Dawah

I have seen many videos and website claiming that:

1) Dawah is individual responsibility
2) and one doesn’t have to be a scholar, student of knowledge or trained Daee to give Dawah.

And they usually quote verses from Surah Asr and a hadith: “Convey from me, even if it is one verse” to support their statements.
In general these two statements are correct but usually these statements are misunderstood and misapplied by laymen. It creates lots problem among not only Muslims and but non-Muslims are not getting proper message of Islam. These are the things that I have experience from these “Daees”:
  • ·         No knowledge or desire to learn beneficiary core things like aqeedah, arabic, tajweed and many have not even read Quran but they start wasting their time with non-Muslims and Deviants.
  • They give primary importance to seeking knowledge of unnecessary things like science, philosophy and other religious scripture. 
  • Their knowledge is usually based on popular Dawah videos and websites.
  •  Hence, these people usually end up misinterpreting and distorting the meaning of Quran/Hadith, rejecting Hadith and having deviant believes.  Like they will say there is no death penalty of apostates in Islam and similarity they end up rejecting many ahadith because they may look unscientific or illogical to them. They invent their own usool of ahadith and tafsir rejecting the established methodology of 1400 years.
  • Involving themselves in fiqh issues and giving fatwas. 
So we can conclude that, what they consider Dawah and individual responsibility, actually involves reading and exposing yourself to a lot of shubahaat (doubts); either because of reading the bible, or polemic articles, etc. - then seeking to refute and reply to them; and engaging in arguments with the innovators and disbelievers. And they later get infected themselves with deviance.
      Now we need to have a look at some important stuff to tackle this problem from its very roots:

Following articles be add soon, Inshallah:

7) Ruling for laymen on reading other religious scripture

8) Ruling on laymen for studying Philosophy

9)Claiming scientific miracles in Quran


  1. JazakAllahu khair brother, the blog is really informative. May Allah guide us all.Ameen

  2. assalaamu alaykum,

    one problem I can see immediately with this article is that it is from the pesonal perspective of the writer.

    you agree with the general rule to give da'wah and the evidences for this, then you restrict it and justify this by saying:

    "In general these two statements are correct but usually these statements are misunderstood and misapplied by laymen. It creates lots problem among not only Muslims and but non-Muslims are not getting proper message of Islam. These are the things that I have experience from these “Daees”:"

    There is no evidence such attitudes and problems laid out (which do undoubtedly exist amongst some) are present in the majority of the du'at (plural da'ee)

    so the article should really be rewritten to make clear this only personal advice to those you know who display these problems,

    or if not then some evidence should be presented to show this is a general problem and not just those you know,

    or that this is only advice to those who fall down in the areas you point out but that the general rule still applies.

    You also state:

    "No knowledge or desire to learn beneficiary core things like aqeedah, arabic, tajweed and many have not even read Quran but they start wasting their time with non-Muslims and Deviants."

    I have also experienced this problem amongst the du'at, in fact I was once a person with such little knowledge as I started giving da'wah pretty much from day one of becomming a muslim but continued to learn all the way.

    But your usage of the term 'wasting time' implies it is of no use or little benefit, so perhaps you could reword your statement as yes we should be giving da'wah whilst learning, being balanced in our deen but giving da'wah is not "wasting time"

    assalaamu alaykum,
    Abu Saalehah

  3. As Salam Elekum wr wb,
    Jazak Allah Khair for your comment and time.

    First of all pardon my English and writing skills. I admit I am very bad at that.

    /There is no evidence such attitudes and problems laid out (which do undoubtedly exist amongst some) are present in the majority of the du'at (plural da'ee) /
    If I had taken names of people then people would have taken it wrong way. One of my friend tried this approach but people accused him of being a attention seeker and the one who is dreaming of getting a over night popularity. I have been to various forums and facebook groups. That is what I noticed in majority of them. You will find very few people who are actually sound in knowledge. My purpose of writing this was to highlight this problem and suggestions for rectifying it.
    By Daee's here I mean laymen self proclaimed Dua't. Who have become dua't after watching some video.

    /I have also experienced this problem amongst the du'at, in fact I was once a person with such little knowledge as I started giving da'wah pretty much from day one of becomming a muslim but continued to learn all the way./
    You proved my point here. The people I am talking about are those who give priory to other unnecessary stuff unlike you gave priory to learning Islam first.
    /But your usage of the term 'wasting time' implies it is of no use or little benefit, so perhaps you could reword your statement as yes we should be giving da'wah whilst learning, being balanced in our deen but giving da'wah is not "wasting time"/
    Yes Alhamdulilah I have highlighed this point if you through the series.
    By no benefit I mean destructive dawah and using immature approach. This approach is harmful to ones emaan and others as well.
    One example of this is Farhan Qureshi who was a Muslims Apolgist and use to debate with Christians. But after learning psychology he apostatized from Islam because according to him concept Hell and Evil is illogical. Anyway one who has studied classic Islamic theology will never into that.

    Anyway Jazak Allah Khair. I will try to make my point more clear. Inshallah.
